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Up to 20% off on Photo Albums and Photo Boxes 📒

Before confirming an order

Is this your first order? Are you not sure whether you entered all the necessary information? Follow the tips below ⚠️.

Updated 19 May 2024

1. Photo size/resolution

Make sure you upload photos of high enough quality. If the resolution is too low, a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark will appear in the right-hand corner of the photo. In that case, please upload photo with higher resolution otherwise the printed photo might be blurry.

If you do not have the photo in higher resolution try choosing smaller format of photo print.

You can find more about recommended photo sizes here: What photo formats and sizes can I upload?

2. Colors and brightness

Computer or smartphone screens often distort images. If your screen brightness is set on high, photos might seem dark after printing. Ideally, lower your screen brightness when working with the editor. Edit your photos with special filters in your phone or computer prior to uploading them to the editor. You will find a few suggestions on which applications to use for editing your photos here: https://www.squared.one/magazine/16-best-photo-editors.

3. Photo cropping

Lot of our customers forget to adjust the crop of their photos resulting in headless portraits and other unfortunate results. That's why we always recommend previewing your project (e.g. a photobook) before finishing the order and double check every photo or page whether all your photos are cropped right. If not, go back one step and edit the photo (click on the pencil icon in the bottom right corner of the photo).

For more information on cropping photos, uploading custom frames, text, etc., see here.

Wrong ❌

Right ✅

4. Empty pages

Before confirming your order, preview your project by clicking “Preview” and double check for empty pages. You can easily add photos by going back one step in the editor and clicking “Add a photo” on the empty page.

5. Captions and emojis

Before confirming your order, preview your project and check for mistakes in spelling and emojis (e.g. thumbs down instead of up 👍👎😜).

6. Go through your project one more time

7. Delivery address and email address

Last but not least do not forget to double-check your contact information - your name, address etc.