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Can I order copy of a photo book that I ordered in the past?

Yes, if you have an order with the book saved in your profile, please log in to your profile and the book will open in the editor where you can edit it or re-order it directly. Detailed instructions can be found below.

If you do not have a profile or the book is not saved in your account. Create an account an contact us. We will be happy to add the book to your profile so you can re-order it.

Updated 20 May 2024

Because of GDPR we only archive books for the necessary time (up to 4 years). Older orders can unfortunately not be printed.

1. Sign in

Click “Log in” in the top right hand corner of the website.

Enter your email address and password and click “Log in”.

2. Enter your profile

When signed in, in the top right corner of the website click on your email address or your user name.

3. Enter your “Saved projects”

4. In “Finished projects” section you will find your book. Click “Edit and order again”.

5. Then “Add to cart” right away or edit your project before ordering it again.