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Up to 20% off on Photo Albums and Photo Boxes 📒

What types and formats of photo books do you offer?

A softcover photo book or a layflat photo book? You can choose according to this overview table.

Updated 20 May 2024

Softcover photo book

For everyday photos capturing experiences from a weekend trip, time spent with your family or moments when meeting your friends, choose the softcover photo book. You can select a different cover color for each book, thus creating a beautiful photo book collection.

Layflat photo book

For photos of special moments in your life, such as the wedding, baby's first year or a long-planned holiday, choose the layflat photo album. The layflat binding allows you to display the most beautiful photos over the entire double page and the hard pages will ensure your memories last forever!

Each photo book comes in different sizes and cover options. You can find all the information, including their pricing, in this overview table.

Photo book type




Cover color

No. of pages



Price from

Softcover photo book (paper cover)

Soft, flexible,

à la regular book

Saddle-stitched binding, photos can only be printed on a single page

Paper soft cover, 12 layout templates




6.7x6.7" or 8x8"

Everyday photos


Softcover photo book (cardboard cover)

Soft, flexible,

à la regular book

Saddle-stitched binding, photos can only be printed on a single page

Hard cover made of natural cardboard, 12 layout templates



Square  8x8" or 6,7x6,7"

Everyday photos


Layflat hardcover photo book

Hard, inflexible

Lay flat book binding, photos can be printed over the entire double sheet

Hard book cover, 12 layout templates



Square 8 x 8"

Extraordinary moments like a wedding, newborn baby, exotic travels


Layflat photo book (cardboard cover)

Hard, inflexible

Lay flat book binding, photos can be printed over the entire double sheet

Hard cover made of natural cardboard and bookbinding cloth, 12 layout templates

9 colours of spine cloth


Square 8 x 8"

Extraordinary moments like a wedding, newborn baby, exotic travels
