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Up to 20% off on Photo Albums and Photo Boxes 📒


How to Add a Modern Twist into Your Old Memories

What is the most important thing to us when we travel or go to a party? It's the pictures that make our mem...

BESTPIC Winners Announced

We are announcing the happy winner of your monthly contest #bestpic. Who is going to take home the prize fo...

Who Makes the World's Best Photo Magnets?

We've personally tested nine world's most popular online printing services that magically turn the photos f...

New Feature: Printing from Facebook

Printing photos from your phone or Instagram is a sure thing at Squared.one. For those who are still enjoyi...

My First Order from Squared.one

While in the time of analog cameras, printing pictures was the only way how to actually see the holiday or ...

Are you missing Sticky9 (StickyGram)? You don’t have to anymore!

Farewell dear Sticky9. It has been a while since you closed your doors and discontinued providing people wi...